Win by dividing your project into buckets!

Win by dividing your project into buckets!
rita bonucchi
  • rita bonucchi
  • Support operator for the new company
  •  91 zebrana kwota

Think of PoP Project's tasks as buckets of work (or 'sub-projects' - PoP stands for Project of Projects), where everything stays organized and boxed by responsibility. You can plan the project using the few tasks which cover the major responsibilities. Their details (incl. 'To Do' lists) can be captured in their Notes tabs. You can assign an owner to the project and each of its tasks.

t2i – trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione - Codice Fiscale / Partiva IVA 04636360267
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Incubatore certificato d'impresa: Viale Porta Adige 45, 45100 - Rovigo - E-mail: