Bureau of Consular Affairs

Bureau of Consular Affairs
  •  29 zebrana kwota

The mission of the Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) is to protect the lives and interests of American citizens abroad and to strengthen the security of United States borders through the vigilant adjudication of visas and passports. CA contributes significantly to the USG goal of promoting international exchange and understanding. Our vision is to help American citizens engage the world. The Bureau issues the travel documents that allow Americans to travel the globe and lawful immigrants and visitors to travel to America and provides essential cycle of life services to American citizens overseas. Se ti interessa approfondire questo argomento clikka il link

t2i – trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione - Codice Fiscale / Partiva IVA 04636360267
Sede legale e operativa: Piazza delle Istituzioni 34/a, 31100 - Treviso - Sede operativa: Corso Porta Nuova 96, 37122 - Verona
Incubatore certificato d'impresa: Viale Porta Adige 45, 45100 - Rovigo - E-mail: entribu@t2i.it