Artistic - Prohledat

The project will support valorise intangible cultural heritage and look for solutions on how to make local projects sustainable.

DELIVERABLE D.T2.1.2 - Tool for the identification of local ICH initiatives

DELIVERABLE D.T2.1.2 - Tool for the identification of local ICH initiatives
Elisa Bertoni

Identification, is the first step towards valorization: identifying and showing means promoting and therefore helping the private individual to protect Intangible Cultural Heritage by making it profitable and economically sustainable. However the identification of new initiatives in ICH is complex. The “Tool for the identification of local ICH initiatives” has the purpose to support the start-up of new entrepreneurial/cooperation initiatives to sustain local ICH promotion. It supports the identification phase of ICH initiatives and is preliminary to the accompanying phase aimed at transferring knowledge to potential entrepreneurs on IPR protection, financing methods and communication skills, in order to enhance their business success opportunities.

t2i – trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione - Codice Fiscale / Partiva IVA 04636360267
Sede legale e operativa: Piazza delle Istituzioni 34/a, 31100 - Treviso - Sede operativa: Corso Porta Nuova 96, 37122 - Verona
Incubatore certificato d'impresa: Viale Porta Adige 45, 45100 - Rovigo - E-mail: